Thursday, July 23, 2009

Turtle Can't Hear

It has been a few months since this problem started. All of a sudden, my ears start to feel clogged and my sense of hearing reduces. Sounds appear to be from underwater and muffled. Yesterday, I could not hear my phone ring. So, I decided to make a trip to the doctors and get this checked out.

It has been a few weeks since I noticed this problem. The pet turtle had gotten lethargic and would sit in one place with its eyes closed. Very rarely, it would slowly open its eyes and it seemed as though the eyelids had taken over the eyes. I could sense that it could hardly see. It seemed to be eating fine though. Yesterday morning, I decided to google and find out if the condition of the turtle was something to worry about.

Google: "pet turtle eyes closed"
Results: 1 - 10 of about 16,000 for pet turtle eyes closed. (0.62 seconds)

Nearly all views on the first two pages of results implied that this was a common problem in pet turtles. When a turtle starts closing it's eyes, it is a sign to be taken seriously. Turtles at this stage often progress to respiratory illness, starvation and then death. I decided to move the turtle to tepid water. I watched it become active and open its eyes. I was relieved. I left it in there and decided that I would change the water every hour or so and make sure the turtle stays in lukewarm water. I left to do some errand and came back to find the turtle still. Back to eyes closed position.

I went to the doctor for my ear checkup. The doctor said that because I have been having frequent colds and nasal blockage over several years, whenever my nose gets blocked, my ear drums get pulled into the middle ear to equalize the pressure. Hmm..makes sense? Anyway, I am on medication now. Hopefully, things should improve soon.

Came home to find the turtle in the same position - exactly as I had left it. Now it was starting to worry me. I picked it up. Not a single movement.

That is when I realized that my turtle can't hear no more.

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