Bear with me, while I share the history of today’s dinner.
Once upon a time, ... :D just kidding!!
All I had in the fridge, freezer and pantry by way of veggies were tomatoes, onions, green chilies and coriander. And curry leaves from the garden. So after several trips to the fridge hoping some veggies would have magically materialized (!) without my having to make a trip to the grocery store, I decided to stop scrounging in the kitchen and start scrounging in the internet for a recipe that would meet my meager requirements.
Considering what I had to work with, the end product, at the risk of sounding like a gloat, turned out quite well :)
Well, suffice it to say, I was saved from a trip to the grocery store today. Tomorrow, as the Scarlett of O'Hara fame would say, is another day.
If you get a chance try the recipe out, drop me a line.
Thanks to Shriya for making dinner possible today.
A little tweaking here and there.
- Omitted ginger
- This recipe also calls for cooked rice. Preferably basmati rice, I would think. I used regular rice and cooked it so the grains are separate.
- For 1.5 cups of cooked rice, I used 4 tomatoes. The quantity of the rest of the ingredients is about the same.
- I did not boil or peel the tomatoes. I just chopped them into cubes and added it to the onions and seasonings. Added the ground masala, some water and let it stew till the tomatoes broke down.
- I added ghee (a little bit) to the rice before mixing with the tomato gravy.

Thanks sadiyaah for trying out my recipe and am really glad that it turned out grt.